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Location: Grand Junction, Colorado, United States

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

I, Robot

Some of you may have read my blog about ONSTAR. I thought then that computers are going to take over our lives. Now I believe that they are trying to kill us.
There are stories in the news about getting wrong directions from your on board computer navigation system. One such story is about a guy whose on board computer told him to turn right. He did and was hit by a train.
Now I am wondering...did he make his computer mad? Did he not change his oil when his computer emailed him to do it? Did his computer try to commit suicide?
To all of you out there who have on board computers or very very careful.

Did you see the Will Smith movie "I Robot"

What ever happened to the good old fashioned city street map? I have used them for years. I can go into a strange city, where I have never been before and, if I have an address I can find it.
I have never felt the need to have an inanimate box talk to me, telling me that I should have turned right at the last intersection.

You ever notice that the computer voice is female?

Do computers get PMS?


Blogger Mandy said...

Okay, so you get to make the crack on females, because the onstar voice IS female. However, wasn't it a MAN who turned right without looking first to make sure it was clear? How could the computer possibly have known that there was a train?

6:46 PM  
Blogger Rob said...

Trains have on board computers also. They both talk to the same satelite. They are co-conspirators.

11:02 PM  
Blogger Barb said...

Good one, Mandy. Still willing to argue with your dad, I see.

You crack me up, Rob. Co-conspirators. LOL

There's something creepy about On Star. You know how I feel about cars anyway - the last thing I need is a voice coming out of the dashboard.

6:23 AM  

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