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Location: Grand Junction, Colorado, United States

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Alone At Last

Reading another blog about flying I was reminded of my first solo. It came as a surprise to me because my instructor didn't warn me it was going to happen. We were at a little uncontrolled field in southern Oklahoma shooting touch and go's when he told me to make a full stop. Now, I am still in the dark at this point because he sometimes would do this to answer the call of nature. He climbed out of the old C-150, grabbed his cigarettes and said "do 3 touch and go's then come back and get me."
Have you ever gone into a room and stopped and wondered how you got there? My brain shut down. My throat got dry. The next thing I remembered was sitting in take off position wondering how I got there. I hoped that I had checked for traffic. (oops)
Then, power up, release the brakes, a little rudder and here I go.
The first solo is a whole series of surprises. Surprise No. 1: The C-150 was not as small as I thought. Without the 200 pound instructor sitting next to me I could actual move my arm without any interference. Surprise No. 2: Without the 200 pound instructor sitting next to me that little airplane literally jumped into the air.
Ok, I'm up. Throttle back and level off at 1500. Damn. Ok 1800 will work. Left turn to cross wind. Why am I at 2000? Oh! Ok! I'll get it. Left turn to down wind. Looking good. Power back. Add a little flap. Turn base. Yea! Now I'm flying. Turn on to final. Surprise No. 3: Without the 200 pound instructor sitting next to me It doesn't descend like I was used to. Oh well, I wonder if my instructor will accept a low approach as a touch and go? Probably not. My brain finally kicked in and after the not so low approach I managed to get down and do my 3 touch and go's. I was giddy. I was grinning all over my face. I was a PILOT.
RULE #1: After doing 3 touch and go's, DO NOT FORGET TO PICK UP INSTRUCTOR. I was only about 5 miles from the airport when I remembered this rule.
When I got back to the airport and taxied up to him I was relieved to see him laughing out loud. He climbed aboard and said that at least I came back for him. Seems like one of his other students left him and he had to wait for hours to get back to home base.
When we finally shut down and was back in the Aero Club he signed my log book "OK to solo". I made it. Now the fun begins.
Over the next 700 hours there has been hours of boring holes in the sky. Some scary moments, some down right funny moments, but none will be as memorable as the .5 hours that ended with "OK to solo"


Blogger Kelli said...

Some day, John will have to tell you about our near miss in Needles (and the Delta crew that helped us through our Mayday call) ... or the pilot showing off his new bird to friends in Apple Valley - and forgot til the last second to go "three in the green" ... or turbulence over Palm Springs - I mean, who the hell flies to Palm Springs in the middle of August... I'm sure you two would have hours of things to talk about.

11:28 AM  
Blogger Barb said...

You and Kelli are speaking Greek to me, of course. But this made the hair on my arms stand up. And it made me laugh that you were so excited you totally forgot about the 200 pound guy on the ground.


Goodness, this was years and years ago and here I sit, feeling so PROUD of you it could have been yesterday!

Love you. Whre are you? Are you in the living room? I need to hug your neck. LOL

PS - We're having taco salad for dinner. Okay?

1:24 PM  
Blogger Amy said...

Hi Rob, I am one of your wife's biggest fans! I didn't know you blogged until today. I just wanted to take a moment and let you know I am praying for your shoulder.

Yes, I realize you are doing great, but I have prayed all along and I also pray that you get your full range of motion back. Don't ever stop the exercises. I had my shoulders replaced a few years ago and I still work on my rehab. It does make a difference!

I don't think Barb will mind me saying I think you are wonderful. She loves you very much and is so proud of you. The things she writes about you makes us proud of you too for being such a hard working, devoted, loving husband!

Take care Rob!

1:49 PM  
Blogger Mandy said...

Hi Daddy! This post cracked me up! I have heard a lot of your flying stories, but you never told me this one, and I really enjoyed reading it. As I said before, you are much braver than me! Remember my first driving lesson, and all the imaginary cars and people I destroyed? Can you imagine the damage I could do with a whole airplane!!!

I can imagine how proud you must have felt, and I can actually see you grinning from ear to ear as I read this! You're quite the story teller, and you've had quite the life to tell!

When are you going to fly out here at visit us?

7:55 PM  

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